Outagamie Area Chapter of Pheasants Forever - Habitat Page
Local Habitat Efforts
Outagamie Area Chapter of Pheasants Forever members are passionate about improving and conserving habitat that benefits pheasants and other wildlife. Pheasants Forever unique model empowers local chapters with the responsibility to determine how 100 percent of their locally-raised conservation funds will be spent.
Whether it's through improving habitat, informing the public about land management, or educating future generations of hunting enthusiasts, conservation is the underlying principle in all we do at the grassroots level.
Our Dedication to Habitat
The chapter supports the Pheasants Forever mission by being dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail, and other wildlife through habitat improvement, public awareness, education, and land management policies and programs.
The chapter works closely with national, state, and county agencies to promote various conservation programs. We partner with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to help fund and give guidance on habitat projects on public lands. Every year the chapter and the Department of Natural Resources host a habitat work day where invasive brush and trees are cleared in order to restore the land to native grassland. Northeast Wisconsin also has a Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Biologist who can assist private land owners with habitat projects and by making land owners aware of various cost share programs available to them. Our chapter contributes funds annually, which helps support the Farm Bill Biologist position in Northeast Wisconsin.
As stewards of the environment, chapter volunteers clean up the parking lots on public lands annually. The public lands are open to everyone but it is usually hunters who get blamed for the trash left behind. This is a great family event that gives back to the community.

Prescribed Burn Services
We offer prescribed burning services for habitat improvement. Our full service is from start to finish and includes writing burn plans, permit facilitation, fire break inspection, and conducting a safe burn. Our burn crew is fully insured, well equipped, and professionally trained. We have multiple nationally certified wildland firefighters on every prescribed burn.
As a non profit we are able to offer extremely competitive prices. In addition our customers will appreciate the fact 100% of our profits are put back into our mission of local conservation efforts. For prescribed burn inquiries, please contact Habitat Chair, Jon Kellermann, at 920-420-1316.
We are commonly asked why should a prairie be burned, or, doesn’t fire cause damage to the land? Fire is and always has been part of many natural systems. Much of Outagamie and Calumet Counties was historically prairie that was maintained through burning before the area was settled.
The grassland habitat and associated wildlife was not destroyed by regular burning but in fact depended on it. Fire rejuvenates grasslands and recycles nutrients back into the soil, and encroaching brush is set back. All of these factors result in high quality grassland habitat for several wildlife species including pheasants.

Preserving Our Natural Resources
Creating, restoring, and maintaining habitat is a constant battle. We invite you to join the Outagamie Area Chapter of Pheasants Forever in its quest to ensure a country rich in natural resources and long on people willing to work to preserve them. After all, natural resources - pheasants, quail, and other wildlife, plus the land, air, and water on which they live - are our greatest resources.

Local Chapter Projects
Every year the Outagamie Area Chapter of Pheasants Forever has ongoing projects throughout the community. With our proceeds from fundraising and donations from the community, we are fortunate enough to give back, putting part of our money in the ground to preserve habitat throughout our region. If you know of a project or would like to learn more about how to help in the effort to preserve your local habitat, please feel free to contact us with any questions.